Thursday, 5 February 2015

Hair Care Tips And How We Can Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss we can prevent by using some of the tips that are really very helpful and we can use them and we can provide the hair loss. So lets discuss Which term refer as hair loss and how we can prevent it. 

Hair loss is that condition in which the person hair loss is so much that the baldness on his head now visible usually what happened it is the fact which we can say in females the hair loss is more and but due to the more hair on their head the hair loss is not so visible in case of women so that is why we can say hair loss in women and hair loss in men out of two the hair loss in men is more that is only and only reason that in case of women the hair loss is not so visible. 

So this is the main difference between two hair loss in men and hair loss in women.
So lets discuss what is the main reason or we can say cause  of hair fall?
Hair fall starts when we are not able to care for them properly . than our hair fall starts actually we are like a machine means our body have different departments and they work with the coordination of each other so lets discuss that how we can care hair.

Like I am writing this article in the season of winters so I am going to write some facts that we have to follow if we want to prevent hair loss. 

In north India there is a great we can the winter season In north India is very cold and usually for that people use to bath with the hot water that hot water is good for their body may be but not good for the hair growth because the hot water damage the hair yes the hot water damage the hair in great we can say in great quantity so if we want to prevent our hair from this loss 

Second don’t rub your hair when they are wet because that also cause a lot of problem if we want to prevent our hair from loss than we have not to rub the wet cloths because that also cause a lot of problems when we rub the hair which are wet than it lowers the strength of the hair and that cause a lot of the problem because wet hair are very soft and they get destroy when we rub them  so if we want to prevent our hair loss we have not to go for the rubbing of the hair when they are wet.
Third never wear cap on head because if we wear cap that also cause a lot of hair loss 

So these are some basic tips and also prevent the causes which cause dandruff because that cause a lot of problem and  if we want to prevent our self from dandruff than we have to care our hair like we have to go for proper oil massage on our head and that will also prevent the dandruff to be occur on our head. 

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