Everyone from infancy to old age suffers from hair loss
problem because of the normal hair cyclic activities that include the phases
like anagen, catagen and telogen.
The full cycle of hair loss can take many years to complete
and each hair follicle undergoes through the cycle for 10 to 20 times in a
normal life. When the new hair telogen phase begins about 1% of the hair
follicles are in shedding phase. The average hair loss in a day can vary from
50 to 100. But if the hair loss is occurring more than 100 a day then it can
indicate the abnormal hair cycle.
The hair loss that occurs due to the normal hair loss cycle
can be recognized as normal to both men and women and this normal hair loss can
be recognized as temporary hair loss.
However, there is a time when the hair loss starting begins
to appear in the comb with grooming, over pillow then this temporary hair loss
problem becomes questionable. In this situation, every person might start thing
that is this hair loss is permanent or is he getting baldness problem?
These questions can lead to those males in a stressful
situation who are having androgenetic alopecia as the basis of hair loss
problem in their families.
However, in this situation, you should not want for the
evidence for the permanent hair loss problem but should consult with your best hair transplant surgeon in Amritsar. He will definitely guide you about this
and will suggest you the best technique for hair transplant if needed.