Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Hair Fall Problem in Youngsters

Hair Fall Problem in Youngsters
Hair Fall Problem in Youngsters

Normally it is seen that most men have to face the problem of hair loss in their lifetime, and with the increasing age this loss may also increase at wide scale. Approximately 12% of men use to experience some hair loss by their twenties. But with the passage of time as the man reaches his fifties then this loss of hair increases to its extreme position. This problem of hair fall use to start with a receding front line but with the passage of time it leaves the patient with completely bald head.

Some times it is also seen that some men easily bear this hair loss problem but on the other hand some males consider it to be one of the great loss which directly or indirectly pours its impact on that person’s personality that he/ she may fail to concentrate on his /her work also. So to cope with hair problem it is very necessary that person should consult the dermatologist so that he may get rid from this hair fall problem for ever.

Except from aging factor hair loss may also takes place if any person is suffering from severe stress? Along with prolonged illness some nutritional changes along with certain hormonal changes which mainly take place in women during the period of their pregnancy period are also responsible for hair falling. These also may cause a reversible type of hair loss. Normally hair fall problem use to occur in any male due to the increased sensitivity to male sex hormones. In the ancient times this major problem of hair loss is use to be taken as something unfortunate but with the advancement in the technology today circumstances get changed a lot. Today medical science achieves a lot of success in controlling this problem of hair fall.

To deal with hair loss problem, hair transplant surgery which is done with the help of Follicular Unit Extraction has emerged as a revolutionary step in the field of hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery is use to done with the help of two main methods which are FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant. In true words Follicular Unit Extraction is considered to be an advanced step in the evolution of modern Hair Transplant Industry. It is also not wrong to say that FUE has evolved from the older method which is known as Strip Method of hair transplant surgery.

Normally it is seen that individual who undergoes FUE treatment will left with small non-pigmented dots which mainly use to exist around the back of his /her head. And no body will able to see scars until the patient decides to make his head complete bald. No doubt the hair transplant cost in India use to depend on the number of grafts which must be making on the scalp during surgery. All types of equipment along with hospital charges are included in this.

In the end we can say that to solve the hair problem hair transplantation is the best technique. Along with this it is also true that hair transplant surgery is one of the complicated surgeries in which no other factor may pour its impact on the result of cosmetic surgery comparative to doctor’s experience. So before going for the surgery the patient must not feel any hesitation in asking about the experience level of the surgeon.

Hair Transplantation Treatment

Hair Transplantation Treatment
Hair Transplantation Treatment

We all see around us that millions of people are experiencing hair loss. Along with it another major fact is that some people see their hair re-grow without doing anything but nothing this sort of happen in all cases some people need treatment for their hair to re-grow. For this purpose they have to consult a doctor.

Normally it is seen that hair loss use to take place due to some certain reasons. It may be occur due to illness, due to the diet, due to medicine or in the case of childbirth. If any person is suffering from gradual hair loss then there is a possibility that the person may have been suffering from hereditary hair loss. However certain hair care practices are also available through which one can simply avoid the problem of hair loss. Usually to cope with the problem of hair loss FUT and FUE hair transplant surgery is use to done.
It is seen that FUE technique of hair transplant is mainly adopt by the youngsters to cope with the problem of hair loss. In this technique individual’s follicular units which use to contain 1 to 4 hairs are usually removed with the help of local anesthesia.

For the removal of these follicular units surgeon uses very small micro blades or fine needles so that they may easily puncture the sites for receiving the grafts. After that the surgeon placed them in a predetermined density and pattern.

FUE hair transplanting procedure use to take place in a single long session or multiple small sessions. This technique of hair transplant considered to be more time consuming. Under this technique all remaining hair on a patient head being extracted and it is did again and again until the  whole process of transplanting hair is not get complete and in the case if surgeon feels need then the  patient has to undergo the whole procedure even for a couple of days too.

But after the operation the patient has to wait for the extracted hair to be harvested and then being re-inserted back into recipient sites, which are able to receive the revived hair and allow this transplanted hair to grow naturally.

It is also seen that individuals who undergoes FUE treatment will be left with many small non-pigmented dots. Due to very minute size of scars it is possible that very few people are able to see it with their naked eye. In fact regarding this one major fact which is true that, that unless the patient decides to completely shave his head, these scars will not be noticeable.

No doubt many hair transplant clinics claim that the main benefit of FUE treatment is that no scars will be left on the patients head after the surgery. But this is not true because this similar sort may happen in very rare cases. After going through the above discussion it becomes clear that FUE is latest and most rewarding hair transplant in India this technique is perform by only a team of well experienced doctors and qualified surgeon is needed because in the case of negligence the patient may suffer from great problem.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Easy Ways to Protect Hair

Easy Ways to Protect Hair
Easy Ways to Protect Hair

As we know that in today’s world problem relating to hair fall is increasing at enormous rate and people are looking for solution for it so that they can solve the problem of hair fall as there are some simple methods by trying that we can control hair fall a list of them is as that
Proper diet by proper diet I mean a good or healthy eating habit that one should eat such kind of food which contains proteins, nutrients all the above things are found in green vegetables, fish, egg etc. if we eat these things it will be very good for our hair.

Hair massage with good hair oil such as almond or coconut is very good it will better blood circulation and strengthen our hair roots that will stop hair fall. 
One need to wash his hair with herbal shampoo which does not contain any chemicals and after that one should use conditioner also that will also good for his hair.
Excessive UV rays are also damage hair which result hair fall so one should protect his hair from excessive UV rays. One should not heat up his hair by pressing them because it will cause huge damage to the hair and result hair fall.
Increase the quantity of vitamins - vitamins are very much necessary for our body but vitamins A is considered very necessary for better growth of hairs, another vitamin E is considered necessary for better circulation so that follicles help in production of hair cells
Increase the quantity of proteins for initialization of hair growth proteins are very much necessary, proteins are generally found in eggs, fish, meat etc. so one hold consume the good quantity of proteins.

Use of onion, garlic use- one should use onion garlic juice on scalp and left as it is on scalp for some hours and repeat it regularly for one week than it will show some good results.
Drink more and more water- it is considered that every hair shaft is consist of 25 % of water so one should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily in order to keep his hair healthy.
Apply green tea on hairs- one should pour two bags of green tea in one glass of water and apply that water on hair after applying on hair leave it for an hour than wash your hair it must show some good results.
Smoking and drinking- smoking and drinking both are considered very bad for growth of hairs it will lessen the growth and decreases the strength of hair that result hair fall.
Stress – high stress is another reason of hair fall so one should try to lessen the stress, so one should lessen the stress level so lessen the hair fall.
So if you want to save your hair than you have to follow the tips and if you want to get rid from the baldness than go for the hair transplant surgery or hair transplant in India that is one of the best solution we have.
If you want more information regarding hair transplant and its techniques then visit our website Cost of Hair Transplant.