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Hair Fall Problem in Youngsters |
it is seen that most men have to face the problem of hair loss in their
lifetime, and with the increasing age this loss may also increase at wide
scale. Approximately 12% of men use to experience some hair loss by their
twenties. But with the passage of time as the man reaches his fifties then this
loss of hair increases to its extreme position. This problem of hair fall use
to start with a receding front line but with the passage of time it leaves the
patient with completely bald head.
times it is also seen that some men easily bear this hair loss problem but on
the other hand some males consider it to be one of the great loss which
directly or indirectly pours its impact on that person’s personality that he/
she may fail to concentrate on his /her work also. So to cope with hair problem
it is very necessary that person should consult the dermatologist so that he
may get rid from this hair fall problem for ever.
from aging factor hair loss may also takes place if any person is suffering
from severe stress? Along with prolonged illness some nutritional changes along
with certain hormonal changes which mainly take place in women during the
period of their pregnancy period are also responsible for hair falling. These
also may cause a reversible type of hair loss. Normally hair fall problem use
to occur in any male due to the increased sensitivity to male sex hormones. In
the ancient times this major problem of hair loss is use to be taken as
something unfortunate but with the advancement in the technology today
circumstances get changed a lot. Today medical science achieves a lot of
success in controlling this problem of hair fall.
deal with hair loss problem, hair transplant surgery which is done with the
help of Follicular Unit Extraction has emerged as a revolutionary step in the
field of hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery is use to done with the
help of two main methods which are FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant. In true words Follicular Unit Extraction is considered
to be an advanced step in the evolution of modern Hair Transplant Industry. It
is also not wrong to say that FUE has evolved from the older method which is
known as Strip Method of hair transplant surgery.
it is seen that individual who undergoes FUE treatment will left with small
non-pigmented dots which mainly use to exist around the back of his /her head.
And no body will able to see scars until the patient decides to make his head
complete bald. No doubt the hair transplant cost in India use to depend on the number of grafts which must be
making on the scalp during surgery. All types of equipment along with hospital
charges are included in this.
the end we can say that to solve the hair problem hair transplantation is the
best technique. Along with this it is also true that hair transplant surgery is
one of the complicated surgeries in which no other factor may pour its impact
on the result of cosmetic surgery comparative to doctor’s experience. So before
going for the surgery the patient must not feel any hesitation in asking about
the experience level of the surgeon.